
Help Replace the Twice Cooked Camera

The end, dear friends, is nigh.  After three and a half years of daily use — after tens of thousands of photographic exposures, and no small amount of detrimental exposure to flour, hot oil, and all manner of other kitchen nastiness — the trusty Twice Cooked camera, the little Olympus that could, is coughing, and sputtering, and well on the road to snapping its last shot.

Help Replace the Twice Cooked CameraIt’s not a prospect that makes me happy.  I like new electronics as much as the next guy, and I like new cameras much more than is probably good for me.  But the fact of the matter is that the life of a kitchen camera is an arduous one.  To be weatherbeaten is a badge of honor, and new-camera smell is quickly whisked away in the first encounter with pickle-juice, or sticky fingers, or a still-moist, newly bleached countertop.

Yet the sad reality of our disposable age is that repair is not an option, and replacement seems to be the only prudent course.  My dear little trooper of a camera is a veritable senior citizen by the standards of the digital world.  And while it probably could be fixed, the cost would be greater than the thing is worth.

And so, dear readers, this is the part where I appeal to you.  I endeavor to maintain a very high photographic standard here at Twice Cooked.  And that depends on my having working equipment that is capable of handling the kinds of tasks I throw at it. If you appreciate that standard — if quality photography is one of the things about Twice Cooked that appeals to you — I’d like to encourage you to kick in a little bit of cash.

I’ve set up a “donate” button through PayPal — available both here and on the sidebar — which should make that easy and painless.

Or, if you’d rather, you might consider clicking through this site to, and buying that blender, or that knife set, or that dutch oven, or that stand mixer that you’ve had your eye on for a while.  A portion of the proceeds will go toward the care and feeding — or in this case, the emergency camera fund — of this site.

Now back to our regularly scheduled programming.