Help Replace the Twice Cooked Camera

Help Replace the Twice Cooked Camera

The end, dear friends, is nigh. After three and a half years of daily use — after tens of thousands of photographic exposures, and no small amount of detrimental exposure to flour, hot oil, and all manner of other kitchen nastiness — the trusty Twice Cooked camera, the little Olympus that could, is coughing, and sputtering, and well on the road to snapping its last shot.

News, Updates, and Miscellany

Good news! And some reminders, too.

The big item of interest — the thing that has driven me to metablogging — is that Elizabeth, author of the Bread and Honey blog and sometime guest blogger here, has agreed to become a regular Twice Cooked contributor. Which means that, beginning in the next couple of weeks, you’ll see her name pop up in the author field somewhat more regularly, unaccompanied by the italicized mini-biography that ordinarily prefaces posts by folks who are not me.

A Note on Older Posts

I just wanted to be clear about older posts on this site.  Everything from before July 28, 2011 has been transferred here from my Livejournal.  You may notice some inconsistency in formatting, spelling and grammar problems, and an acute lack of pictures.  That is characteristic of my posts in that (less formal) setting.  You can […]

Welcome to my new blogging home.

Twice-cooked is an escape from, and refinement of, my long-kept and intermittently updated Livejournal.  I have found, over the years, that my blogging interests have focused themselves, narrowing from an accounting of my daily activities (mostly tedious) to an exploration, and sometimes a justification, of the various outlets for my dilettantism.  Which means, for now, […]