Mak Kimchi

Mak Kimchi

Kimchi is extraordinary and complicated and vast, and it would be no less than hubris to imagine that I could do justice to so rich a tradition in one post, or in a whole blog’s worth of posts. When I started thinking about kimchi — quite a while ago, now — I assumed that it would be a little like making sauerkraut — possibly based on something that Sandor Katz had written in The Art of Fermentation (a book I highly recommend!):

“Kraut-chi is a word I made up, a hybrid of sauerkraut and kimchi, the German and Korean words for fermented vegetables that we have adopted into the English language. The English language does not have its own word for fermented vegetables. It would not be inaccurate to describe fermented vegetables as “pickled,” but pickling covers much ground beyond fermentation.”

Traditional Basil Pesto

I have run it by my vociferous (and largely self-appointed) editors. And they all seem to agree: my traditional basil pesto isn’t entirely traditional. They seem to feel, perhaps rightly, that the addition of Thai fish sauce and nutritional yeast flakes place it outside the historical scope of Italian cuisine. And they seem to think […]