Cooking & Eating, Holidays

Happy Thanksgiving

To all of you out there who are cooking or being cooked for — to all of you who are hosting or being hosted, this year — I’d like to wish you a safe, delicious, happy Thanksgiving.

I hope you all have a great time with turkey, and family, and stuffing, and pie.  I know that I certainly will!

Happy ThanksgivingIf you need a great, last-minute pumpkin pie recipe, I’d recommend this one here from Simply Recipes.  If you need a delicious side dish, I’d recommend my own caramelized onion tart.  And don’t forget the pumpkin soup — and the roasted turkey.

But primarily, what I’d recommend is a deep calming breath and a glass of mulled beverage (wine, or otherwise).

It’s Thanksgiving, after all.  Enjoy!

*** Update, Thursday 11-22-2012, 10:21AM EST:

I wanted to offer one more piece of Thanksgiving cheer.  This one reminds me just how much I miss the ability to visit the Exotic Feline Rescue Center — in Center Point, IN — on a whim.

Thanks to Margaret, of the Different Drummer Belly Dancers, for the link!